CA Blog
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GST Know-how: what should be included on receipts
GST/HST again. Today we are going to talk about what information should be included on your invoices. Generally, when the GST/HST is being applied to the purchases, businesses need to let customers know their GST/HST number . Simply, businesses can use cash register...
The tax efficient way to make your donation: personal vs. corporate
To give is more than to receive. Making donations to a charity for good causes is always appreciated. When it comes to whether to make donations through corporation or personally, business owners are confused as it is not that straight/easy to understand. Sometimes it...
Top 3 things that you need to know in selling your franchise business
After a few years, you have put in significant amount of time and effort into the franchise business. At this moment, you know the inside-out of the operation and build strong relationship with customers. You may think about selling your franchise business. What are...
How to select a corporate year-end wisely
A lot of businesses don’t pay attention to the choice for a year-end for their incorporated businesses. What is the corporation's tax year? The corporation's tax year is also called its fiscal period. In simple terms, it is a cutoff. For newly incorporated business,...
From Lawyer’s Perspective : Corporate legal matters to small businesses
Learn from a lawyer’s perspective in incorporation, naming the business, corporate structure,etc.
A complete guide for Non-Residents when selling the property in Canada
I have been asked for answers on Canadian non-residents disposing real property. What's the tax implication? Well, nothing is more complex than tax in Canada. Particularly, non-resident tax. I will try to explain more in details here. Generally, Canadian income...
Set up a business in Canada – what you should know
In general, it is easy to set up the business in Canada. However, there are a lot of details that you may need to pay attention to. First of all , type of business structures is the first thing that you need to make up your mind. Sole Proprietorship A sole...
加拿大小生意融资计划(CSBFL)是一项由加拿大政府鼓励金融机构向小企业提供资金的贷款项目。这是由企业与政府方共同分担财务风险(加拿大政府将担保百分之七十五 的违约贷款)。该项目尤其受到初创企业的欢迎。原因在于:一来,申请比较简单; 二来,由于初创企业缺乏信用记录,传统上比较难获得贷款,但这个项企业可以让初创企业在不提供抵押品的情况下迅速拿到贷款资金,启动运作。你不敢相信的是,这个项目在1961年开始运作,已有57年历史了, 当然在这期间,这个项目也经过不少改动。 为什么会有这个小生意贷款项目呢?...
Avoid tax pitfalls when transferring assets to kids/spouse
avoid tax pitfalls when transferring assets to kids or spouse, tax rules, exceptions,
Incorporated employee – what you should know
personal service business, contractors, consultants, tax strategy, deductible expenses
Jack Ma, Alibaba, Getting rich and what you learned
Jack Ma, lesson learned from the richest guy in the world
CRA gets tougher and tougher – what strategy taxpayers can play
tax strategy, personal service business, consulting,tax planning, TOSI, new tax rules
Prepare your business for the changing tax landscape
Do you know what has been changed in your business tax? What is passive investment income? Changes to small business deduction limit? What else? You can find out more from the following video.
Don’t get confused: salaries vs. dividends
Considering paying dividends or salaries, it may be hard to make a decision right away, think through the situation and future plan, then you will get better idea in planning the payout from the corporation; a smart tax planning
Tax residency in Canada? These questions can help you determine
Here are the comprehensive lists of questions that help determine your tax residency in Canada.Making a conclusion on your tax residency sometimes becomes challenges. Here are some questions that may help you conquer the challenges. First of all, here are some...
许多人听到税务评估或收到税局的评估的信件后,就开始担心,不知道该怎么办才好,晚上还睡不好觉。有解决方案吗?有,让我们来先了解一下加拿大的税务评估吧。 什么是税务评估呢? 加拿大税务局指出税务评估是为了提高大众对税务法规条例的认识和遵守。一般来说,个人所得税的正常评估期是从最初税局寄出评估报税表之日起三年内。这就是说,如果您在2018年4月30日(记住要准时哦!)提交2017年所得税,CRA将在2018年6月1日发出初始评估通知,重新评估期将持续到2021年6月1日。 三年过后,就可以安枕无忧吗?...
Charities and Non-profit organizations: what you need to know about taxes
Charities and Non-Profit Organizations (“NFO”) are exposed to more complicated financial matters than ever. The key reason is that those organizations have experienced increasing challenges in resources. That said, compliance requirements for payroll taxes,...
2017税务年度-最新加拿大税务更新分享: 个人税务/海外申报/出租房产/转移资产/公司建立/中加税务协议/最新联邦税改
在加拿大, 当你成为税务居民后,所有的净收入都要申报给税局。我们常说的海外资产申报就是其中一项重要的申报。它包括了以下内容: 被动投资性的海外资产(如存款,房产,债权等)的申报 – T1135 海外隶属公司的申报 – T1134 海外信托有资产交易的申报 – T1141 和T1142 我们今天讲的就是T1134 -海外隶属公司的申报. 为什么会有这些申报呢?...
I own a company outside of Canada; do I owe any tax to the CRA?
Under the Canadian Income Tax Act, if you are Canadian residents, you are obligated for income taxes on the worldwide income that you received. What if I own a company outside of Canada? If there is no income distributed back to you or there is no disposition of...
Here are more resources created for our clients
Tax tips that you should not miss when filing your 2022 personal tax
Tax tips that put you in a comfort seat when filing your 2022 personal tax
2023 tax update
2023 tax update – Canada tax update for individuals
A Complete Guide for Developers and Builders
I am sure many people have been witnessing the rising price of real estate in the last few months. Why does the price keep going up? Government stimulus, low interest and as most middle class families invest the maximum amount of money in their homes. Some real estate...
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